On a daily basis, our agents field calls from notaries asking for procedural advice. For this reason, we have assembled the quick tips below to assist with basic notarizations. For more involved documents however, reference manuals are essential and should be in every notary’s tool box. Manuals with state specific guidelines are available at The Dotted Line Shop. We encourage all notaries to take one of these reference manuals along to every notarization.
Case Details: It was a routine transaction, and there was no way the notary could have known the signers’ identifications were fraudulent – but they were. In the eyes of the court, the notary was at fault. This time the penalty was $8,000 in damages and $3,500 in court costs. Unfair? Sure. But, for a notary public in a litigious society like ours, it’s just part of the territory.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT - The declaration of a person described and who has executed a written instrument that he executed same.
ADDENDUM - A separate written addition to a contract or agreement.
AFFIANT - A person who makes and subscribes his signature to an affidavit.
AFFIDAVIT - A signed statement, duly sworn to by the the affiant, attesting to the truth, to the best of his knowledge, of the facts in a document.
ATTEST - To certify as true.
ATTORNEY-IN-FACT - A person legally authorized to execute specific types of instruments for another person, corporation, etc.
DEPOSITION - The written testimony of a witness taken out of court under oath before a notary or other person authorized to take it.
EXECUTOR - A person names in a will to carry out the provisions of the will.
FELONY - A crime punishable by death or imprisonment in state prison.
FRAUD - A cheat; an act of trickery to delude a person into a false sense of well-being, enabling another person to gain dishonestly.
JURAT - “Sworn to before me this _______ day of ______, 20__.”
LIEN - A lien is placed on property to establish prior rights and indicates a debt.
MISDEMEANOR - Any crime other than a felony.
PERJURY - A false swearing under oath.
Don’t get caught off guard without your notary necessities.